Memes, en temps de guerre - FULL PACK

3.50 - 10.00
Memes, en temps de guerre - FULL PACK

Memes, en temps de guerre

Issues 1_2_3_4.

4_April not fool’s

4th - Dated Aprils 1st - issue is dedicated to Jeff grosso.

Mêmes en temps de guerre
is a new fanzine produced during the Co-vid quarantine in Paris, and delivered Day By Day while being produced as a daily Zine/Newspaper to cover the non run of some of the traditional printed medias.

As Medias seemed less followed than social networks,
we dedicated a zine to how and what people were talking about during a self called " war period" by the french President.

Each issue:
- 28 Pages
- 100 copies hand numbered.
- Format A5

Concept & Direction : Thomas Busuttil
Edited by DPY Editions

Available, only on our eshop.

Free during confinment, with any Yearbook order

Shipping france : 4€
International Shipping : 6€